
Neoscore has experimental support for interactive scores which can change on the fly through live coding and animation. Most properties of neoscore graphical objects are mutable (modifiable), and changing them while the interactive neoscore view is running can update their rendered representations on the fly.

Live coding with a REPL

You can integrate neoscore applications with a Python REPL through IPython. To get started, install ipython in your virtual environment with pip install ipython. Once installed you can run or write neoscore programs using the ipython shell with the flag --gui=qt5:

$ ipython --gui=qt5
Python 3.10.4 (main, Mar 23 2022, 23:05:40) [GCC 11.2.0]
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 8.2.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: from neoscore.common import *

In [2]: neoscore.setup()

In [3]: text = Text(ORIGIN, None, 'hello REPL!')

In [4]:

In [5]: text.pos = (Mm(50), Mm(100))

In [6]: text.text = 'changing text!'

You can also write starting code in a python script as usual, then run it interactively with ipython --gui=qt5 -i


You can also animate your scores by passing a callback function to

from neoscore.common import *
import math
from typing import Optional

center = Mm(50)
text = Text((center, Mm(50)), None, "moving text")

def refresh_func(time: float) -> Optional[neoscore.RefreshFuncResult]:
    text.x = center + Mm(math.sin(time) * 20)

This callback will be automatically executed at up to 60 times per second. The refresh function is called with the current system time in seconds. Optionally, some state can be returned to the neoscore runtime with a neoscore.RefreshFuncResult object, such as indicating to the runtime that no scene re-render is required.


You may notice dropped frames and stuttering in animated scenes. This is a limitation of neoscore’s animation system with no current solution beside simplifying scenes, running at lower target framerates (see below), and running on faster hardware.

You can also change the refresh function on the fly (live-coded animations!) with neoscore.set_refresh_func. This function also allows overriding the target framerate.

Embedding scores in Jupyter Notebooks

Jupyter Notebooks are a popular programming environment which let you interactively combine code, notes, and media side-by-side. Neoscore has experimental support for easily embedding rendered images in notebooks.

To try this out, first install Jupyter in your virtul environment with pip install jupyter, then start the notebook server with jupyter notebook, create a new notebook, and write your Neoscore code. To display an image from your score in your notebook, call neoscore.render_to_notebook. You can find a simple example notebook here.

Before using this feature we recommend you familiarize yourself with the basics of how Jupyter Notebooks work. Jupyter allows running code blocks repeatedly; unless you restart the kernel, all state is carried over from previous executions, so if you rerun a block creating an object it will not edit the original object, but create a new one. Similarly, you usually should not rerun initial setup code like configuring pages, flowables, and staves. When modifying and rerunning cells we generally recommend using the button to ‘Restart the kernel and run all cells’.


Interactivity currently has many caveats, and it is not considered guaranteed API behavior. In general, complex managed objects which automatically generate child objects do not respond well to mutation. Paths which have elements parented to other objects don’t either. Which objects and properties can be mutated and how is not currently documented, so you’ll have to just try things and see what works.