
Note-group beams can be created by passing a list of Chordrests to a BeamGroup.

staff = Staff(ORIGIN, None, Mm(100))
Clef(ZERO, staff, "treble")
chords = [
    Chordrest(Mm(1), staff, ["f"], (3, 16)),
    Chordrest(Mm(11), staff, ["a"], (1, 16)),
    Chordrest(Mm(21), staff, ["c"], (1, 8)),
    Chordrest(Mm(31), staff, ["e"], (1, 8)),

Because neoscore has no internal understanding of meter or logical beat placement, the beaming algorithm does not automatically insert subdivisions. Instead it greedily tries to beam together as many notes as possible. Subdivisions can be specified by setting Chordrest.beam_break_depth, which indicates a break after the chord to the given beam count.

staff = Staff(ORIGIN, None, Mm(100))
Clef(ZERO, staff, 'treble')
chords = [
    Chordrest(Mm(1), staff, ["f"], (3, 16)),
    Chordrest(Mm(11), staff, ["a"], (1, 16)),
    Chordrest(Mm(21), staff, ["c"], (1, 32)),
    Chordrest(Mm(31), staff, ["e"], (1, 32))
chords_2 = [
    Chordrest(Mm(40), staff, ["bb"], (3, 16)),
    Chordrest(Mm(50), staff, ["g"], (1, 16), beam_break_depth=1),
    Chordrest(Mm(60), staff, ["e"], (1, 32)),
    Chordrest(Mm(70), staff, ["c#",], (1, 32))

While in most situations beamlet “hooks” (as in a dotted 8th note followed by a 16th note) unambiguously must point right or left, there are some cases where it is ambiguous. For example, a 16th note between two 8th notes could have its beamlet point left or right. In these situations, BeamGroup will point it left by default, but users can override this by setting Chordrest.beam_hook_dir.

staff = Staff(ORIGIN, None, Mm(100))
Clef(ZERO, staff, 'treble')
chords = [
    Chordrest(Mm(1), staff, ["c"], (1, 8)),
    Chordrest(Mm(11), staff, ["eb"], (1, 16)),
    Chordrest(Mm(21), staff, ["g"], (1, 8))
chords_2 = [
    Chordrest(Mm(31), staff, ["c"], (1, 8)),
    Chordrest(Mm(41), staff, ["eb"], (1, 16), beam_hook_dir=DirectionX.RIGHT),
    Chordrest(Mm(51), staff, ["g"], (1, 8))

The beam direction and slant angle are determined automatically based on the given notes. The direction can be overridden in BeamGroup’s constructor.