Source code for neoscore.core.document

from import Callable
from typing import Optional

from neoscore.core.brush import Brush
from neoscore.core.page_supplier import PageOverlayFunc, PageSupplier
from neoscore.core.paper import Paper
from neoscore.core.point import Point
from neoscore.core.units import ZERO, Mm


[docs]class Document: """The document root object. This object should not be created directly by users - it is instantiated by :obj:`.neoscore.setup`, which creates a global instance of this class which can be then accessed as :obj:`.neoscore.document`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, paper: Paper, overlay_func: Optional[PageOverlayFunc] = None): """ Args: paper: The paper to use in the document. overlay_func: An optional function to run on each generated page. """ self._paper = paper self._pages = PageSupplier(self, overlay_func)
@property def paper(self) -> Paper: """The paper type of the document""" return self._paper @paper.setter def paper(self, value): self._paper = value @property def pages(self) -> PageSupplier: """The document's pages. Pages are created on-demand by accessing this property. This property can be treated like a managed list: >>> from neoscore.core import neoscore; neoscore.setup() >>> len(neoscore.document.pages) # No pages exist yet 0 >>> first_page = neoscore.document.pages[0] # Get the first page >>> len(neoscore.document.pages) # One page now exists 1 >>> sixth_page = neoscore.document.pages[5] # Get the sixth page >>> len(neoscore.document.pages) # 5 new pages are created 6 >>> # Pages can be accessed by negative indexing too >>> assert(first_page == neoscore.document.pages[-6]) >>> assert(sixth_page == neoscore.document.pages[-1]) >>> neoscore.shutdown() For more information on this object, see :obj:`.PageSupplier`. """ return self._pages def _run_on_all_descendants(self, func: Callable): for page in self.pages: for obj in page.descendants: func(obj)
[docs] def render(self, display_page_geometry: bool, background_brush: Brush): """Render all items in the document. This should not be called directly. Args: display_page_geometry: Whether to include a preview of page geometry. background_brush: The brush used to draw the scene background. """ self._run_on_all_descendants(lambda g: g.pre_render_hook()) if display_page_geometry: for page in self.pages: page.create_geometry_preview(background_brush) for page in self.pages: page.render() self._run_on_all_descendants(lambda g: g.post_render_hook())
[docs] def page_origin(self, index: int) -> Point: """Find the origin point of a given page number. The origin is the top left corner of the live page area. Args: index: The 0-based index of the page to locate. """ page_x = (self.paper.width + _PAGE_DISPLAY_GAP) * index return Point(page_x, ZERO)