Source code for neoscore.core.flowable

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional

from sortedcontainers import SortedKeyList

from neoscore.core import neoscore
from neoscore.core.layout_controllers import MarginController, NewLine
from neoscore.core.point import Point, PointDef
from neoscore.core.positioned_object import PositionedObject
from neoscore.core.units import ZERO, Mm, Unit

[docs]class Flowable(PositionedObject): """A flowable coordinate space container. This provides a virtual horizontal strip of space in which objects can be placed, and at render time be automatically flowed across line breaks and page breaks in the document. To place an object in a ``Flowable``, simply parent it to one, or to an object already in one. In typical scores, there will be a single ``Flowable`` placed in the first page of the document, and most objects will be placed inside it. """ _neoscore_flowable_type_marker = True
[docs] def __init__( self, pos: PointDef, parent: Optional[PositionedObject], length: Unit, height: Unit, y_padding: Unit = Mm(5), break_threshold: Unit = Mm(5), ): """ Args: pos: Starting position in relative to the top left corner of the live document area of the first page parent: An optional parent object. Nested flowables are not supported, so this should not be a flowable or in one. This defaults to the document's first page. length: length of the flowable height: height of the flowable y_padding: The vertical gap between flowable sections break_threshold: The maximum distance the flowable will shorten a line to allow a break to occur on a ``BreakOpportunity`` """ super().__init__(pos, parent) self._length = length self._height = height self._y_padding = y_padding self._break_threshold = break_threshold self._lines = [] self._provided_controllers = Flowable._new_provided_controllers_list()
@property def length(self) -> Unit: """The length of the unwrapped flowable""" return self._length @property def height(self) -> Unit: """The height of the unwrapped flowable""" return self._height @height.setter def height(self, value: Unit): self._height = value @property def y_padding(self) -> Unit: """The padding between wrapped sections of the flowable""" return self._y_padding @y_padding.setter def y_padding(self, value: Unit): self._y_padding = value @property def break_threshold(self) -> Unit: """The threshold for :obj:`.BreakOpportunity`-aware line breaks. This is the maximum distance the flowable will shorten a line to allow a break to occur on a ``BreakOpportunity``. If set to ``ZERO``, break opportunities will be entirely ignored during layout. On the other hand, if set to a value larger than the live page width, all break opportunities will be taken. """ return self._break_threshold @break_threshold.setter def break_threshold(self, value: Unit): self._break_threshold = value @property def lines(self) -> List[NewLine]: """The generated lines of this flowable. This property is managed and should not be modified.""" return self._lines @lines.setter def lines(self, value: List[NewLine]): self._lines = value @property def provided_controllers(self) -> SortedKeyList[MarginController]: """Layout controllers provided by users. Currently, this only supports margin controllers. Eventually on we may expand this to allow things like explicit user-defined ``NewLine``\ s. Controllers should not be added directly to this list; use :obj:`.add_margin_controller` instead. """ return self._provided_controllers
[docs] def add_margin_controller(self, controller: MarginController): """Add a margin controller if applicable. If ``provided_controllers`` already has a margin controller at the given ``controller.flowable_x`` with the same ``layer_key``, the controller is only inserted if its margin is larger than the existing one. """ if not self._provided_controllers: self._provided_controllers.add(controller) return idx = self._provided_controllers.bisect_left(controller) for i in range(idx, len(self._provided_controllers)): existing_controller = self._provided_controllers[i] if existing_controller.flowable_x > controller.flowable_x: # No existing controllers at this flowable_x and layer found break if existing_controller.layer_key == controller.layer_key: # Existing controller at this flowable_x and layer found if existing_controller.margin_left >= controller.margin_left: # Existing controller margin is larger than one being added; skip it return else: # Existing controller margin is smaller than one being added; replace it self._provided_controllers.pop(i) break self._provided_controllers.add(controller)
def _generate_lines(self): """Generate automatic layout controllers. The generated controllers are stored in ``self.layout_controllers`` in sorted order by ascending x position """ live_page_width = neoscore.document.paper.live_width live_page_height = neoscore.document.paper.live_height break_opps = self._find_break_opportunities() for c in self.lines: c.remove() self.lines = [] while True: if not self.lines: flowable_start_x = ZERO page = self.first_ancestor_with_attr("_neoscore_page_type_marker") flowable_page_pos = page.map_to(self) new_line_x = flowable_page_pos.x + self._active_margin_at( flowable_start_x ) new_line_y = flowable_page_pos.y else: last = self.lines[-1] flowable_start_x = last.flowable_x + last.length page = new_line_x = self._active_margin_at(flowable_start_x) new_line_y = last.y + self.height + self.y_padding new_line_bottom_y = new_line_y + self.height if ( new_line_y > live_page_height or new_line_bottom_y > live_page_height ): page = neoscore.document.pages[page.index + 1] new_line_y = ZERO # Now determine this line's length max_length = live_page_width - new_line_x max_line_end_flowable_x = flowable_start_x + max_length nearest_break_opp = next( (opp for opp in reversed(break_opps) if opp < max_line_end_flowable_x), None, ) if ( nearest_break_opp and max_line_end_flowable_x - nearest_break_opp < self.break_threshold ): length = nearest_break_opp - flowable_start_x else: length = max_length self.lines.append( NewLine( (new_line_x, new_line_y), page, flowable_start_x, length, self.height, ) ) if flowable_start_x + length > self.length: break def _find_break_opportunities(self) -> List[Unit]: """Find the relative X positions of every break hint in this flowable. The returned positions will be sorted. """ opps = self.descendants_with_attribute( "_neoscore_break_opportunity_type_marker" ) return sorted((self.map_x_to(opp) for opp in opps)) def _active_margin_at(self, flowable_x: Unit) -> Unit: active_margin_layers: Dict[str, Unit] = {} for controller in self.provided_controllers: if controller.flowable_x > flowable_x: break active_margin_layers[controller.layer_key] = controller.margin_left return sum(active_margin_layers.values(), ZERO)
[docs] def map_to_canvas(self, local_point: Point) -> Point: """Convert a local point to its position in the canvas. Note that this should only be called at render-time, since it depends on layout controllers only generated once the flowable has started rendering. Args: local_point: A position in the flowable's local space. """ if not getattr(self, "_currently_rendering", None): print("WARNING: Called Flowable.map_to_canvas outside rendering context") line = self.last_break_at(local_point.x) line_canvas_pos = line.canvas_pos() return line_canvas_pos + Point(local_point.x - line.flowable_x, local_point.y)
[docs] def last_break_at(self, flowable_x: Unit) -> NewLine: """Find the last ``NewLine`` that occurred before a given local flowable_x-pos Args: flowable_x: An x-axis location in the virtual flowable space. """ return self.lines[self.last_break_index_at(flowable_x)]
[docs] def last_break_index_at(self, flowable_x: Unit) -> int: """Like ``last_break_at``, but returns an index. Args: flowable_x: An x-axis location in the virtual flowable space. """ # Note that this assumes that all layout controllers are line # breaks, and will not work if/when other types are added remaining_x = flowable_x for i, controller in enumerate(self.lines): remaining_x -= controller.length if remaining_x <= ZERO: return i else: return len(self.lines) - 1
[docs] def render(self): super().render()
[docs] def pre_render_hook(self): super().pre_render_hook() self._generate_lines()
[docs] def post_render_hook(self): # Clear all auto-generated margin controllers super().post_render_hook() self._provided_controllers = Flowable._new_provided_controllers_list()
@staticmethod def _new_provided_controllers_list() -> SortedKeyList[MarginController]: return SortedKeyList(key=lambda c: c.flowable_x)