Source code for neoscore.core.page_supplier

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Optional

from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

from neoscore.core.directions import DirectionX
from import Page

    from neoscore.core.document import Document

PageOverlayFunc: TypeAlias = Callable[[Page], None]
"""A function to run on every page after creation.

The function takes one argument, the newly generated page. Functions will typically
create objects with this page as their parent.

See :obj:`.simple_header_footer` for a ready-made simple overlay function.

[docs]class PageSupplier: """A supplier and generator-on-demand of document :obj:`.Page` objects. This acts like a list of ``Page`` objects which generates them as needed. Externally, it can be used mostly as a list. If an index is requested for which no page yet exists, that page will be generated, as well as any missing pages between the previous last page and the one requested. Consequently, keep in mind that innocent looking operations such as ``page_suppler[100000]`` are actually expensive operations, as they implicitly generate thousands of Page objects. The contents of the ``PageSupplier`` should be treated as immutable. Attempts to modify the pages it contains will likely result in unexpected behavior. This is an internal class meant to be created by the global :obj:`.Document` for its ``pages`` property. """
[docs] def __init__( self, document: Document, overlay_func: Optional[PageOverlayFunc] = None ): """ Args: document: The global document using this object. overlay_func: A function to call with every page when generated. This can be used to create headers and footers. """ self._document = document self._page_list: List[Page] = [] self.overlay_func = overlay_func
def __getitem__(self, index): if index >= len(self._page_list): for new_index in range(len(self._page_list), index + 1): page_side = DirectionX.LEFT if new_index % 2 else DirectionX.RIGHT new_page = Page( self.document.page_origin(new_index), self.document, new_index, page_side, self.document.paper, ) self._page_list.append(new_page) if self.overlay_func: self.overlay_func(new_page) return self._page_list[index] def __iter__(self): return self._page_list.__iter__() def __len__(self): return len(self._page_list) @property def document(self) -> Document: return self._document @property def overlay_func(self) -> Optional[PageOverlayFunc]: """A function to call on every page generation. This function is called with every generated page at the time of generation. If the value is changed it will only affect pages generated after the change. """ return self._overlay_func @overlay_func.setter def overlay_func(self, value: Optional[PageOverlayFunc]): self._overlay_func = value