Source code for neoscore.core.pen

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Optional, Union

from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

from neoscore.core.color import Color, ColorDef
from neoscore.core.pen_cap_style import PenCapStyle
from neoscore.core.pen_join_style import PenJoinStyle
from neoscore.core.pen_pattern import PenPattern
from neoscore.core.units import ZERO, Unit
from neoscore.interface.pen_interface import PenInterface

[docs]class Pen: """A pen describing how shape outlines are drawn.""" _default_color = Color("#000000")
[docs] def __init__( self, color: Optional[ColorDef] = None, thickness: Optional[Unit] = ZERO, pattern: PenPattern = PenPattern.SOLID, join_style: PenJoinStyle = PenJoinStyle.MITER, cap_style: PenCapStyle = PenCapStyle.FLAT, ): """ Args: color: The stroke color. Defaults to black unless changed globally by :obj:`.neoscore.set_default_color`. thickness: The stroke thickness. A value of ``ZERO`` (the default) indicates a display pixel width. pattern: The stroke pattern. Defaults to a solid line. join_style: The appearance of line joints. Defaults to a bevel join cap_style: The appearance of line ends. Defaults to a flat cap """ if color is None: self._color = Pen._default_color else: self._color = Color.from_def(color) self._thickness = thickness self._pattern = pattern self._join_style = join_style self._cap_style = cap_style self._regenerate_interface()
[docs] @classmethod def from_existing( cls, pen: Pen, color: Optional[ColorDef] = None, thickness: Optional[Unit] = None, pattern: Optional[PenPattern] = None, join_style: Optional[PenJoinStyle] = None, cap_style: Optional[PenCapStyle] = None, ) -> Pen: """Derive a pen from another, overriding any provided fields.""" return cls( color or pen.color, thickness or pen.thickness, pattern or pen.pattern, join_style or pen.join_style, cap_style or pen.cap_style, )
[docs] @classmethod def no_pen(cls) -> Pen: """Create a non-drawing pen.""" return Pen(pattern=PenPattern.INVISIBLE)
[docs] @classmethod def from_def(cls, pen_def: PenDef) -> Pen: if isinstance(pen_def, Pen): return pen_def else: return Pen(pen_def)
def _regenerate_interface(self): self._interface = PenInterface( self.color, self.thickness, self.pattern, self.join_style, self.cap_style, ) @property def color(self) -> Color: """The color for the pen. This can be set with a :obj:`.ColorDef` shorthand.""" return self._color @color.setter def color(self, value: ColorDef): self._color = Color.from_def(value) self._regenerate_interface() @property def thickness(self) -> Unit: """The pen stroke thickness.""" return self._thickness @thickness.setter def thickness(self, value: Unit): self._thickness = value self._regenerate_interface() @property def pattern(self) -> PenPattern: """The stroke pattern.""" return self._pattern @pattern.setter def pattern(self, value: PenPattern): self._pattern = value self._regenerate_interface() @property def join_style(self) -> PenJoinStyle: """The style of line sharp line joins. This style has no effect on curved paths. """ return self._join_style @join_style.setter def join_style(self, value: PenJoinStyle): self._join_style = value self._regenerate_interface() @property def cap_style(self) -> PenCapStyle: """the style of unclosed path caps with this pen. This style has no effect on closed paths.""" return self._cap_style @cap_style.setter def cap_style(self, value: PenCapStyle): self._cap_style = value self._regenerate_interface() @property def interface(self) -> PenInterface: return self._interface def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """Pens are compared by their attributes""" return ( isinstance(other, Pen) and self.color == other.color and self.thickness == other.thickness and self.pattern == other.pattern and self.join_style == other.join_style and self.cap_style == other.cap_style )
PenDef: TypeAlias = Union[Pen, str] """A ``Pen`` or a color hex string to be passed to an otherwise default ``Pen``."""