Source code for neoscore.interface.app_interface

from __future__ import annotations

import multiprocessing
import pathlib
import threading
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, List, Optional, Tuple

from PyQt5.QtCore import QBuffer, QByteArray, QIODevice, QPoint, QRectF
from PyQt5.QtGui import (
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QGraphicsScene

from neoscore.core import env, math_helpers
from neoscore.core.color import Color
from neoscore.core.exceptions import FontRegistrationError, ImageExportError
from neoscore.core.key_event import KeyEvent
from neoscore.core.mouse_event import MouseEvent
from neoscore.core.point import Point
from neoscore.core.propagating_thread import PropagatingThread
from neoscore.core.rect import Rect, RectDef
from neoscore.core.units import Inch, Mm
from neoscore.interface.brush_interface import BrushInterface
from neoscore.interface.qt import file_paths
from neoscore.interface.qt.converters import (
from neoscore.interface.qt.main_window import MainWindow
from neoscore.interface.qt.viewport import Viewport
from neoscore.interface.repl import running_in_ipython_gui_repl

    from neoscore.core.document import Document

_RENDER_IMAGE_THREAD_MAX = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
_INCHES_PER_METER: float = Inch(1) / Mm(1000)

[docs]class AppInterface: """The primary interface to the application state. This holds much of the global application state. An ``AppInterface`` must be created near the start of neoscore programs. """ _QT_FONT_ERROR_CODE = -1
[docs] def __init__( self, document: Document, repl_refresh_func: Callable[[float], float], background_brush: BrushInterface, auto_viewport_interaction_enabled: bool, ): self.document = document args = ["TestApplication", "-platform", "offscreen"] if env.HEADLESS else [] = QApplication(args) self.main_window = MainWindow() self.scene = QGraphicsScene() self.view: Viewport = self.main_window.graphicsView self.view.setScene(self.scene) self.background_brush = background_brush self.auto_viewport_interaction_enabled = auto_viewport_interaction_enabled self.font_database = QFontDatabase() self.repl_refresh_func = repl_refresh_func self.render_image_thread_semaphore = threading.Semaphore( _RENDER_IMAGE_THREAD_MAX ) self._viewport_rotation = 0
[docs] def set_refresh_func(self, refresh_func: Callable[[float], float]): """Set a function to run automatically on a timer in the main window.""" self.main_window.refresh_func = refresh_func
[docs] def set_mouse_event_handler(self, handler: Callable[[MouseEvent], None]): """Set a function to run on mouse events.""" self.main_window.graphicsView.mouse_event_handler = handler
[docs] def set_key_event_handler(self, handler: Callable[[KeyEvent], None]): """Set a function to run on keyboard input events.""" self.main_window.graphicsView.key_event_handler = handler
[docs] def show( self, min_size: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, max_size: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, fullscreen: bool = False, ): """Open a window showing a preview of the document. Args: min_size: An optional ``(width, height)`` minimum window size tuple. max_size: An optional ``(width, height)`` maximum window size tuple. fullscreen: Whether to show the window in fullscreen mode. This doesn't mix well with ``max_window_size``. """ self._optimize_for_interactive_view(), max_size, fullscreen) if running_in_ipython_gui_repl(): # Do not run app.exec_() in GUI REPL mode, since IPython # manages the GUI thread in that case. if not self.main_window.refresh_func: self.main_window.refresh_func = self.repl_refresh_func else:
[docs] def render_image( self, rect: Optional[RectDef], dest: str | pathlib.Path | bytearray, dpi: int, quality: int, bg_color: Color, autocrop: bool, preserve_alpha: bool, ) -> PropagatingThread: """Render the scene, or part of it, to a saved image. This renders on the main thread but autocrops and saves the image on a spawned thread which is returned to allow efficient rendering of many images in parallel. ``render_image`` will block if too many render threads are already running. Args: rect: The part of the document to render, in document coordinates. If ``None``, the entire scene will be rendered. dest: An output file path or a bytearray to save to. If a bytearray is given, the output format will be PNG. dpi: The pixels per inch of the rendered image. quality: The quality of the output image for compressed image formats. Must be either ``-1`` (default compression) or between ``0`` (most compressed) and ``100`` (least compressed). bg_color: The background color for the image. autocrop: Whether to crop the output image to tightly fit the contents of the frame. If true, the image will be cropped such that all 4 edges have at least one pixel not of ``bg_color``. preserve_alpha: Whether to preserve the alpha channel. If false, some non-transparent ``bg_color`` should be provided. Raises: ImageExportError: If Qt image export fails for unknown reasons. """ dpm = AppInterface._dpi_to_dpm(dpi) scale = dpm / Mm(1000).base_value if rect: source_rect = rect_to_qt_rect_f(Rect.from_def(rect)) else: source_rect = self.scene.sceneRect() pix_width = int(source_rect.width() * scale) pix_height = int(source_rect.height() * scale) if preserve_alpha: q_image_format = QImage.Format_ARGB32 else: q_image_format = QImage.Format_RGB32 q_image = QImage(pix_width, pix_height, q_image_format) q_image.setDotsPerMeterX(dpm) q_image.setDotsPerMeterY(dpm) q_bg_color = color_to_q_color(bg_color) q_image.fill(q_bg_color) painter = QPainter() painter.begin(q_image) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) target_rect = QRectF(q_image.rect()) self.scene.render(painter, target=target_rect, source=source_rect) painter.end() def finalize(): with self.render_image_thread_semaphore: final_image = ( AppInterface._autocrop(q_image, q_bg_color) if autocrop else q_image ) if isinstance(dest, bytearray): output_array = QByteArray() qbuf = QBuffer(output_array) success =, quality=quality, format="PNG") qbuf.close() dest.clear() dest.extend(output_array) else: success = file_paths.resolve_qt_path(dest), quality=quality ) if not success: dest_description = ( "bytearray" if isinstance(dest, bytearray) else dest ) raise ImageExportError( "Unknown error occurred when exporting image to " + dest_description ) thread = PropagatingThread(target=finalize) thread.start() return thread
[docs] def destroy(self): """Destroy the window and all global interface-level data.""" = None self.scene = None
[docs] def register_font(self, font_file_path: str | pathlib.Path) -> List[str]: """Register a font file with the graphics engine. Args: font_file_path: A path to a font file. Supports TrueType and OpenType formats. Returns: A list of font families found in the font. Raises: FontRegistrationError: If the registration fails for any reason. """ font_file_path = file_paths.resolve_qt_path(font_file_path) font_id = self.font_database.addApplicationFont(font_file_path) if font_id == AppInterface._QT_FONT_ERROR_CODE: raise FontRegistrationError(font_file_path) family_names = self.font_database.applicationFontFamilies(font_id) if not len(family_names): # I think this should be impossible, but log a warning just in case print(f"Warning: font at {font_file_path} provided no family names") return self.font_database.applicationFontFamilies(font_id)
@property def background_brush(self) -> BrushInterface: """The brush used to paint the scene background""" return self._background_brush @background_brush.setter def background_brush(self, value: BrushInterface): self._background_brush = value self.scene.setBackgroundBrush(value.qt_object) @property def auto_viewport_interaction_enabled(self) -> bool: """Whether mouse and scrollbar viewport interaction is enabled""" return self._auto_viewport_interaction_enabled @auto_viewport_interaction_enabled.setter def auto_viewport_interaction_enabled(self, value: bool): self._auto_viewport_interaction_enabled = value self.view.set_auto_interaction(value) @property def viewport_center_pos(self) -> Point: """The interactive viewport's center position in document space.""" # Working out the center position from the transform matrix and window # dimensions is pretty tricky, so hand the job to Qt. return qt_point_to_point(self.view.mapToScene(self.view.rect().center())) @viewport_center_pos.setter def viewport_center_pos(self, value: Point): self.view.centerOn(value.x.base_value, value.y.base_value) @property def viewport_scale(self) -> float: """The interactive viewport's scale (zoom). Values should be greater than 0, with 1 as the base zoom and larger numbers zooming in. """ # Deriving the scale from the transform matrix is a headache, so compute it by # mapping a vector of known length. p1 = self.view.mapToScene(QPoint(0, 0)) p2 = self.view.mapToScene(QPoint(1, 0)) return 1 / math_helpers.dist((p1.x(), p1.y()), (p2.x(), p2.y())) @viewport_scale.setter def viewport_scale(self, value: float): transform = self.view.viewportTransform() relative_scale_factor = value / self.viewport_scale self.view.setTransform( transform.scale(relative_scale_factor, relative_scale_factor) ) @property def viewport_rotation(self) -> float: """Set the interactive viewport's rotation angle in degrees. The viewport is rotated about its center. """ # Track the rotation explicitly to prevent headaches and ambiguities trying to # derive rotation from the viewport transform matrix. return self._viewport_rotation @viewport_rotation.setter def viewport_rotation(self, value: float): transform = self.view.viewportTransform() if self._viewport_rotation: transform = transform.rotate(-self._viewport_rotation) self.view.setTransform(transform.rotate(value)) self._viewport_rotation = value def _remove_all_loaded_fonts(self): """Remove all fonts registered with ``register_font()``. This is primarily useful for testing purposes. """ success = self.font_database.removeAllApplicationFonts() if not success: raise RuntimeError("Failed to remove application fonts.")
[docs] def clear_scene(self): """Clear the QT Scene. This should be called before each render.""" self.scene.clear()
def _optimize_for_interactive_view(self): QPixmapCache.setCacheLimit(_QT_PIXMAP_CACHE_LIMIT_KB) self.view.setViewportUpdateMode(3) # NoViewportUpdate self.scene.setItemIndexMethod(-1) # NoIndex @staticmethod def _dpi_to_dpm(dpi: int) -> int: """Convert a Dots Per Inch value to Dots Per Meter""" return int(dpi / _INCHES_PER_METER) @staticmethod def _autocrop(q_image: QImage, q_color: QColor) -> QImage: """Automatically crop a qt image around the pixels not of a given color. Returns a newly cropped image; the original is left unmodified. """ mask = q_image.createMaskFromColor(q_color.rgb()) crop_rect = QRegion(QBitmap.fromImage(mask)).boundingRect() return q_image.copy(crop_rect)