Source code for neoscore.interface.qt.converters

"""Helper methods for conversion between ``neoscore.core`` and Qt classes"""

from typing import Union

from PyQt5.QtCore import QPoint, QPointF, QRect, QRectF
from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor, QKeyEvent, QMouseEvent

from neoscore.core.color import Color
from neoscore.core.key_event import KeyEvent, KeyEventType
from neoscore.core.mouse_event import MouseButton, MouseEvent, MouseEventType
from neoscore.core.point import Point
from neoscore.core.rect import Rect
from neoscore.core.units import Unit

[docs]def qt_point_to_point(qt_point: Union[QPoint, QPointF]) -> Point: """Create a Point from a QPoint or QPointF Args: qt_point: The source point """ return Point(Unit(qt_point.x()), Unit(qt_point.y()))
[docs]def point_to_qt_point(point: Point) -> QPoint: """Create a QPoint from a Point Args: point: The source point """ return QPoint(int(point.x.base_value), int(point.y.base_value))
[docs]def point_to_qt_point_f(point: Point) -> QPointF: """Create a QPointF from a Point Args: point: The source point """ return QPointF(point.x.base_value, point.y.base_value)
[docs]def qt_rect_to_rect(qt_rect: Union[QRect, QRectF]) -> Rect: """Create a Rect from a QRect or QRectF Args: qt_rect: The source rect """ return Rect( Unit(qt_rect.x()), Unit(qt_rect.y()), Unit(qt_rect.width()), Unit(qt_rect.height()), )
[docs]def rect_to_qt_rect(rect: Rect) -> QRect: """Create a QRect from a Rect Args: rect: The source rect """ return QRect( int(rect.x.base_value), int(rect.y.base_value), int(rect.width.base_value), int(rect.height.base_value), )
[docs]def rect_to_qt_rect_f(rect: Rect) -> QRectF: """Create a QRectF from a Rect Args: rect: The source rect """ return QRectF( rect.x.base_value, rect.y.base_value, rect.width.base_value, rect.height.base_value, )
[docs]def color_to_q_color(color: Color) -> QColor: """Create a ``QColor`` from a ``Color`` Args: color: The source ``Color`` """ return QColor(,,, color.alpha)
[docs]def q_color_to_color(q_color: QColor) -> Color: """Create a ``Color`` from a ``QColor`` Args: q_color: The source ``QColor`` """ return Color(,,, q_color.alpha())
_Q_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON = 0x00000001 _Q_MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON = 0x00000002 _Q_MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON = 0x00000004
[docs]def q_mouse_event_to_mouse_event( q_event: QMouseEvent, ns_event_type: MouseEventType, window_pos: QPointF ) -> MouseEvent: buttons = int(q_event.buttons()) if buttons & _Q_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON: ns_mouse_button = MouseButton.LEFT elif buttons & _Q_MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON: ns_mouse_button = MouseButton.RIGHT elif buttons & _Q_MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON: ns_mouse_button = MouseButton.MIDDLE else: ns_mouse_button = None q_pos = q_event.windowPos() ns_window_pos = (int(q_pos.x()), int(q_pos.y())) ns_document_pos = Point( Unit(q_pos.x() + window_pos.x()), Unit(q_pos.y() + window_pos.y()) ) return MouseEvent(ns_event_type, ns_mouse_button, ns_window_pos, ns_document_pos)
[docs]def q_key_event_to_key_event( q_event: QKeyEvent, basic_event_type: KeyEventType ) -> KeyEvent: resolved_event_type = ( KeyEventType.AUTO_REPEAT if q_event.isAutoRepeat() else basic_event_type ) return KeyEvent( resolved_event_type, q_event.key(), int(q_event.modifiers()), q_event.text() )