Source code for neoscore.interface.text_interface

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, NamedTuple, Optional

from PyQt5.QtGui import QFont, QPainterPath

from neoscore.core.units import Unit
from neoscore.interface.brush_interface import BrushInterface
from neoscore.interface.font_interface import FontInterface
from neoscore.interface.pen_interface import PenInterface
from neoscore.interface.positioned_object_interface import PositionedObjectInterface
from neoscore.interface.qt.converters import point_to_qt_point_f
from neoscore.interface.qt.q_clipping_path import QClippingPath

class _CachedTextKey(NamedTuple):
    text: str
    family_name: str
    weight: Optional[int]
    italic: bool

class _CachedTextPath(NamedTuple):
    path: QPainterPath
    generation_font_size: int

_PATH_CACHE: Dict[_CachedTextKey, _CachedTextPath] = {}

"""NOTE: We can actually optimize this even further. We can modify
q_clipping_path so it explicitly stores paint results in the global
QPixmapCache. If this were specialized to just text items, the cache
key would be like _CachedTextKey, except it also includes font size
and scale. This would allow us to not only cache the paths being sent
to Qt objects, but the rendered pixmaps themselves. This would be very
efficient for us because so many constructed path objects are
identical. Furthermore, if I manage to move the runtime to the OpenGL
system, I believe these rendered pixmaps would reside directly in GPU


[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class TextInterface(PositionedObjectInterface): """An interface for graphical text objects.""" brush: BrushInterface pen: PenInterface text: str font: FontInterface background_brush: Optional[BrushInterface] = None clip_start_x: Optional[Unit] = None """The local starting position of the drawn region in the glyph. Use ``None`` to render from the start """ clip_width: Optional[Unit] = None """The width of the visible region. Use ``None`` to render to the end. """
[docs] def render(self): """Render the line to the scene.""" self._register_qt_object(self._create_qt_object())
def _create_qt_object(self) -> QClippingPath: """Create and return this interface's underlying Qt object""" qt_object = self._get_path(self.text, self.font, self.scale) qt_object.setPos(point_to_qt_point_f(self.pos)) qt_object.setBrush(self.brush.qt_object) qt_object.setPen(self.pen.qt_object) qt_object.update_geometry() return qt_object def _get_path(self, text: str, font: FontInterface, scale: float) -> QClippingPath: qt_font = font.qt_object needed_font_size = qt_font.pixelSize() key = _CachedTextKey(text, font.family_name, font.weight, font.italic) cached_result = _PATH_CACHE.get(key) if cached_result: cache_scale = needed_font_size / cached_result.generation_font_size scale *= cache_scale path = cached_result.path else: path = TextInterface._create_qt_path(text, qt_font) _PATH_CACHE[key] = _CachedTextPath(path, needed_font_size) return QClippingPath( path, self.clip_start_x.base_value if self.clip_start_x is not None else 0, self.clip_width.base_value if self.clip_width is not None else None, scale, self.rotation, self.background_brush.qt_object if self.background_brush else None, defer_geometry_calculation=True, transform_origin=point_to_qt_point_f(self.transform_origin), ) @staticmethod def _create_qt_path(text: str, font: QFont) -> QPainterPath: qt_path = QPainterPath() qt_path.addText(0, 0, font, text) qt_path.setFillRule(1) return qt_path