Source code for neoscore.western.barline

from typing import Iterable, List, Optional

from neoscore.core.break_hint import BreakHint
from neoscore.core.color import ColorDef
from neoscore.core.has_music_font import HasMusicFont
from neoscore.core.music_font import MusicFont
from neoscore.core.path import Path
from neoscore.core.pen import Pen
from neoscore.core.pen_pattern import PenPattern
from neoscore.core.point import ORIGIN, Point
from neoscore.core.positioned_object import PositionedObject
from neoscore.core.units import ZERO, Union, Unit
from neoscore.western import barline_style
from neoscore.western.abstract_staff import AbstractStaff
from neoscore.western.barline_style import BarlineStyle
from neoscore.western.multi_staff_object import MultiStaffObject
from neoscore.western.staff_group import StaffGroup


[docs]class Barline(PositionedObject, MultiStaffObject, HasMusicFont): """A barline spanning any number of staves. In addition to a default plain barline, this supports many common barline styles out of the box, and beyond those you can easily define custom barline styles. A :obj:`.BreakHint` is automatically attached to the end of the barline so :obj:`.Flowable` containers will treat barlines as potential line break points. """
[docs] def __init__( self, pos_x: Unit, staves: Union[StaffGroup, List[AbstractStaff]], styles: Union[BarlineStyle, Iterable[BarlineStyle]] = barline_style.SINGLE, connected: Optional[bool] = True, font: Optional[MusicFont] = None, ): """ Args: pos_x: The barline X position relative to the highest staff. Specifies right edge of the barline group and offsets 'thickness'. staves: The staves spanned. If a raw list of staves is given, it must be in descending order. styles: This accepts any of the pre-made styles provided in :obj:`.barline_style`, in addition to custom styles defined in a list of :obj:`.BarlineStyle`\ s (one for each sub-barline). connected: Whether to connect the barline between staves. font: If provided, this overrides the font in the parent (top) staff. """ MultiStaffObject.__init__(self, staves) PositionedObject.__init__(self, (pos_x, ZERO), self.highest) if font is None: font = HasMusicFont.find_music_font(self.highest) self._music_font = font self.engraving_defaults = self._music_font.engraving_defaults self.paths = [] self.connected = connected # Start x position for first barline relative to self start_x = ZERO if isinstance(styles, BarlineStyle): styles = [styles] fallback_thickness = self.unit(_DEFAULT_BARLINE_STYLE.thickness) fallback_gap_right = self.unit(_DEFAULT_BARLINE_STYLE.gap_right) # draw each of the bar lines in turn from right to left for i in reversed(range(len(styles))): style = styles[i] thickness = self._resolve_style_measurement( style.thickness, fallback_thickness ) # adjust start x to accommodate pen thickness start_x -= thickness / 2 self._draw_barline(start_x, thickness, style.pattern, style.color) # move to next line to the left if i != 0: start_x -= thickness + self._resolve_style_measurement( styles[i - 1].gap_right, fallback_gap_right ) # Attach a break hint at the edge of the rightmost barline self._break_hint = BreakHint(ORIGIN, self)
@property def music_font(self) -> MusicFont: return self._music_font def _draw_barline( self, start_x: Unit, thickness: Unit, pen_pattern: PenPattern, color: ColorDef ): # Create the path line_path = Path( Point(start_x, ZERO), self, pen=Pen(pattern=pen_pattern, thickness=thickness, color=color), ) # Draw the path if self.connected: line_path.move_to(ZERO, self.highest.barline_extent[0]) line_path.line_to( ZERO, self.map_to(self.lowest).y + self.lowest.barline_extent[1] ) else: y_offset = self.highest.y for stave in self.staves: new_y = stave.pos.y - y_offset line_path.move_to(ZERO, new_y + stave.barline_extent[0]) line_path.line_to(ZERO, new_y + stave.barline_extent[1]) self.paths.append(line_path) def _resolve_style_measurement( self, value: Union[str, float, Unit], fallback: Unit ) -> Unit: if isinstance(value, Unit): return value elif isinstance(value, (int, float)): return self.unit(value) else: return self.engraving_defaults.get(value, fallback)