from typing import List, NamedTuple, Optional, Union
from backports.cached_property import cached_property
from neoscore.core.directions import DirectionX, DirectionY
from neoscore.core.point import ORIGIN, Point
from neoscore.core.positioned_object import PositionedObject
from neoscore.core.rect import Rect
from neoscore.core.units import ZERO, Unit
from neoscore.western import notehead_tables
from neoscore.western.accidental import Accidental
from neoscore.western.duration import Duration, DurationDef
from neoscore.western.flag import Flag
from neoscore.western.ledger_line import LedgerLine
from neoscore.western.notehead import Notehead
from neoscore.western.notehead_tables import NoteheadTable
from neoscore.western.pitch import PitchDef
from import Rest
from neoscore.western.rhythm_dot import RhythmDot
from neoscore.western.staff import Staff
from neoscore.western.staff_object import StaffObject
from neoscore.western.stem import Stem
[docs]class PitchAndGlyph(NamedTuple):
"""Used to define individual notes with one-off SMuFL glyphs."""
pitch: PitchDef
"""The pitch for the notehead"""
notehead_glyph: str
"""The SMuFL glyph name for the notehead"""
[docs]class Chordrest(PositionedObject, StaffObject):
"""A chord or a rest.
This is a unified interface for conventionally notated
musical notes/chords/rests. It can be given any number of pitches
to be used as notes in the chord, or ``None`` for a rest.
It will automatically generate and lay out:
* :obj:`.Notehead`\ s if pitches are given
* a :obj:`.Stem` if pitches are given and required by the given :obj:`.Duration`
* a :obj:`.Flag` if pitches are given and required by the given ``Duration``
* :obj:`.LedgerLine`\ s as needed (taking into consideration the given
pitches and their location on the :obj:`.Staff`)
* :obj:`.Accidental`\ s as needed by any given pitches
* a :obj:`.Rest` if no pitches are given
* :obj:`.RhythmDot`\ s if needed by the given ``Duration``
Any accidentals given in pitches will be unconditionally drawn
regardless of context and key signature.
# All cached properties which change on rebuilds *must* be registered here.
[docs] def __init__(
pos_x: Unit,
staff: Staff,
notes: Optional[List[Union[PitchDef, PitchAndGlyph]]],
duration: DurationDef,
rest_y: Optional[Unit] = None,
stem_direction: Optional[DirectionY] = None,
beam_break_depth: Optional[int] = None,
beam_hook_dir: Optional[DirectionX] = None,
table: NoteheadTable = notehead_tables.STANDARD,
pos_x: The horizontal position in the staff
staff: The staff the object is attached to
notes: A list of pitches and optional notehead-specific data. If ``None``
this indicates a rest. For simple notes and chords, this can typically
be a list of pitch string shorthands (see :obj:`.Pitch.from_str`). Pitches
with extended accidentals can be given by passing fully constructed
``Pitch`` objects. Individual notehead glyphs (by default taken from the
given ``table``) can be overridden by passing a tuple of a pitch
and a SMuFL glyph name string.
duration: The written duration for the object.
rest_y: The vertical position used by rests. This defaults to the center
of the staff.
stem_direction: An optional stem direction override. If omitted, the
direction is automatically calculated to point away from
the furthest-out notehead.
beam_break_depth: Break depth used if in a :obj:`.BeamGroup`.
beam_hook_dir: Beamlet hook direction used in a ``BeamGroup``.
table: The set of noteheads to use according to ``duration``.
StaffObject.__init__(self, staff)
PositionedObject.__init__(self, Point(pos_x, ZERO), staff)
self.duration = duration
self._noteheads = []
self._accidentals = []
self._ledgers = []
self._dots = []
self._notes = [] if notes is None else notes
self._stem = None
self._flag = None
self._rest_y = rest_y
self._rest = None
self._stem_direction_override = stem_direction
self._beam_break_depth = beam_break_depth
self._beam_hook_dir = beam_hook_dir
self._table = table
def notes(self) -> List[Union[PitchDef, PitchAndGlyph]]:
return self._notes
def notes(self, value: Optional[List[Union[PitchDef, PitchAndGlyph]]]):
self._notes = [] if value is None else value
def noteheads(self) -> List[Notehead]:
"""The noteheads contained in this Chordrest."""
return self._noteheads
def rest_y(self) -> Optional[Unit]:
"""The vertical position used by generated rests.
Defaults to the staff center.
return self._rest_y
def rest_y(self, value: Optional[Unit]):
self._rest_y = value
def rest(self) -> Optional[Rest]:
"""A rest glyph, if no noteheads exist."""
return self._rest
def accidentals(self) -> List[Accidental]:
"""The accidentals contained in this Chordrest."""
return self._accidentals
def ledgers(self) -> List[LedgerLine]:
"""The ledger lines contained in this Chordrest.
An empty list means none are needed.
return self._ledgers
def dots(self) -> List[RhythmDot]:
return self._dots
def stem(self) -> Optional[Stem]:
"""The stem for the Chordrest."""
return self._stem
def flag(self) -> Optional[Flag]:
"""The flag attached to the stem."""
return self._flag
def beam_break_depth(self) -> Optional[int]:
"""Break depth used if in a :obj:`.BeamGroup`.
If this Chordrest is within a beam group, this triggers a beam subdivision break
at this point. The value indicates the number of beams to which the subdivision
breaks. For example, in run of 16th notes a ``beam_break_depth`` of ``1`` would
indicate a subdivision break to 1 beam at this point.
return self._beam_break_depth
def beam_hook_dir(self) -> Optional[DirectionX]:
"""Beamlet hook direction used in a :obj:`.BeamGroup`.
If this Chordrest is within a beam group and this position is one requiring a
beamlet hook whose direction is ambiguous, this controls that direction.
return self._beam_hook_dir
def table(self) -> NoteheadTable:
return self._table
def table(self, table: NoteheadTable):
self._table = table
def duration(self) -> Duration:
"""The written length of this event.
This affects many components of the chordrest.
return self._duration
def duration(self, value: DurationDef):
rebuild_needed = hasattr(self, "_duration")
value = Duration.from_def(value)
if value.display is None:
raise ValueError(f"{value} cannot be represented as a single note")
self._duration = value
if rebuild_needed:
def ledger_line_positions(self) -> List[Unit]:
"""A set of staff positions of needed ledger lines.
Positions are in centered staff positions.
An empty list means no ledger lines are needed.
highest = self.highest_notehead.y
lowest = self.lowest_notehead.y
# This could be optimized by only doing both ledger lookups if
# ``highest`` and ``lowest`` are on opposite sides of the staff,
# in which case the check-then-append step can be done
# unconditionally.
ledgers = self.staff.ledgers_needed_for_y(lowest)
for ledger_pos in self.staff.ledgers_needed_for_y(highest):
if ledger_pos not in ledgers:
return ledgers
def rhythm_dot_positions(self) -> List[Point]:
"""The positions of all rhythm dots needed."""
start_padding = self.staff.unit(0.25)
dot_start_x = + + start_padding
dottables = {}
dot_start_x = (
+ self.notehead_column_bounding_rect.width
+ start_padding
dottables = self.noteheads
result = []
for i in range(self.duration.display.dot_count):
for dottable in dottables:
if dottable.y.display_value % 1 == 0:
# Dottable is on a line, add dot offset to space below
y_offset = self.staff.unit(-0.5)
y_offset = self.staff.unit(0)
dot_start_x + (self.staff.unit(0.5) * i), dottable.y + y_offset
return result
def furthest_notehead(self) -> Optional[Notehead]:
"""The notehead furthest from the staff center"""
return max(
key=lambda n: abs(n.y - self.staff.center_y),
def highest_notehead(self) -> Optional[Notehead]:
"""The highest notehead in the chord."""
return min(self.noteheads, key=lambda n: n.y, default=None)
def lowest_notehead(self) -> Optional[Notehead]:
"""The lowest notehead in the chord."""
return max(self.noteheads, key=lambda n: n.y, default=None)
def leftmost_notehead(self) -> Optional[Notehead]:
"""The notehead furthest to the left in the chord"""
return min(self.noteheads, key=lambda n: n.x, default=None)
def rightmost_notehead(self) -> Optional[Notehead]:
"""The notehead furthest to the right in the chord"""
return max(self.noteheads, key=lambda n: n.x, default=None)
def extra_attachment_point(self) -> Point:
"""A point where common attachments like ornaments could go.
For chords, this is a point centered above or below the outermost notehead
opposite of the stem direction.
For rests, this is a point centered above the rest.
The returned point is relative to the Chordrest.
bounding_rect =
x = + bounding_rect.x + (bounding_rect.width / 2)
y = + bounding_rect.y - self.staff.unit(1)
return Point(x, y)
if self.stem_direction == DirectionY.UP:
notehead = self.lowest_notehead
bounding_rect = notehead.bounding_rect
y = notehead.y + bounding_rect.y + bounding_rect.height + self.staff.unit(1)
notehead = self.highest_notehead
bounding_rect = notehead.bounding_rect
y = notehead.y + bounding_rect.y - self.staff.unit(1)
x = notehead.x + bounding_rect.x + (bounding_rect.width / 2)
return Point(x, y)
def tremolo_attachment_point(self) -> Point:
"""A convenient reasonable point for tremolos to be placed.
The returned point is relative to the chordrest.
The precise position returned is not currently guaranteed, as there are known
shortcomings that still need to be addressed, particularly with short stems and
stems with flags attached.
For rests, this simply returns ``ORIGIN``.
# Since there's no use-case we know of for rest tremolos, there's no
# reasonable implementation of this, so just return 0, 0.
return ORIGIN
x = ZERO
noteheads_rect = self.notehead_column_bounding_rect
if not self.duration.display.requires_stem:
x = noteheads_rect.x + (noteheads_rect.width / 2)
if self.stem_direction == DirectionY.DOWN:
y = noteheads_rect.y + noteheads_rect.height + self.staff.unit(1.5)
y = noteheads_rect.y - self.staff.unit(1)
return Point(x, y)
def notehead_column_bounding_rect(self) -> Rect:
"""The bounding rect of the notehead column after layout."""
return Rect(ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO)
left_x = Unit(float("inf"))
top_y = Unit(float("inf"))
right_x = Unit(float("-inf"))
bottom_y = Unit(float("-inf"))
for n in self.noteheads:
n_rect = n.bounding_rect.offset(n.pos)
if left_x > n_rect.x:
left_x = n_rect.x
if top_y > n_rect.y:
top_y = n_rect.y
n_rect_right_x = n_rect.x + n_rect.width
if right_x < n_rect_right_x:
right_x = n_rect_right_x
n_rect_bottom_y = n_rect.y + n_rect.height
if bottom_y < n_rect_bottom_y:
bottom_y = n_rect_bottom_y
return Rect(left_x, top_y, right_x - left_x, bottom_y - top_y)
def noteheads_outside_staff(self) -> List[Notehead]:
"""All noteheads which are above or below the staff"""
return [
for note in self.noteheads
# Since ``note.parent == self`` and ``self.y == 0``
if not self.staff.y_inside_staff(note.y)
def leftmost_notehead_outside_staff(self) -> Optional[Notehead]:
"""The notehead furthest to the left outside the staff"""
return min(self.noteheads_outside_staff, key=lambda n: n.x, default=None)
def rightmost_notehead_outside_staff(self) -> Optional[Notehead]:
"""The notehead furthest to the right outside the staff"""
return max(self.noteheads_outside_staff, key=lambda n: n.x, default=None)
def notehead_column_outside_staff_width(self) -> Unit:
"""The total width of any noteheads outside the staff"""
left_bounding_note = self.leftmost_notehead_outside_staff
if not left_bounding_note:
return ZERO
extent = max((n.x + n.visual_width for n in self.noteheads_outside_staff))
return extent - left_bounding_note.x
# Can't use cached_property here because a setter is needed. Could get around this
# by storing this computation in an attr like self._stem_direction though.
def stem_direction(self) -> DirectionY:
"""The direction of the stem
Takes the notehead furthest from the center of the staff, and returns the
opposite direction.
If the furthest notehead is in the center of the staff, the direction defaults
to ``DirectionY.DOWN``, unless the staff has only one line, in which case it
defaults to ``DirectionY.UP`` as a convenience for percussion staves.
This automatically calculated property may be overridden using its setter. To
revert to the automatically calculated value set this property to ``None``.
If there are no noteheads (meaning this Chordrest is a rest), this arbitrarily
returns ``DirectionY.UP``.
if self._stem_direction_override:
return self._stem_direction_override
furthest = self.furthest_notehead
if furthest is None:
return DirectionY.UP
if furthest.y < self.staff.center_y:
return DirectionY.DOWN
elif furthest.y == self.staff.center_y:
if self.staff.line_count == 1:
return DirectionY.UP
return DirectionY.DOWN
return DirectionY.UP
def stem_direction(self, value: Optional[DirectionY]):
self._stem_direction_override = value
def stem_height(self) -> Unit:
"""The height of the stem"""
flag_offset = self.staff.unit(Flag.vertical_offset_needed(self.duration))
min_abs_height = self.staff.unit(2.5) + flag_offset
fitted_abs_height = (
abs(self.lowest_notehead.y - self.highest_notehead.y)
+ self.staff.unit(2.5)
+ flag_offset
abs_height = max(min_abs_height, fitted_abs_height)
return abs_height
def _clear(self):
for notehead in self.noteheads:
self._noteheads = []
for accidental in self.accidentals:
self._accidentals = []
for ledger in self.ledgers:
self._ledgers = []
for dot in self.dots:
self._dots = []
if self.stem:
self._stem = None
if self.flag:
self._flag = None
self._rest = None
for prop in Chordrest._CACHED_PROPS:
self.__dict__.pop(prop, None)
def _rebuild(self):
"""Generate or regenerate all child objects"""
if self.noteheads or
# Clear existing glyphs
if self.notes:
for note in self.notes:
if isinstance(note, tuple) and len(note) == 2:
pitch = note[0]
glyph_override = note[1]
pitch = note
glyph_override = None
self._rest = None
if self.stem:
rest_y = self.rest_y or self.staff.center_y
self._rest = Rest(Point(self.staff.unit(0), rest_y), self, self.duration)
# Both rests and chords needs dots
def _create_ledgers(self):
"""Create all required ledger lines and store them in ``self.ledgers``
This should be called after _position_noteheads_horizontally()
as it relies on the position of noteheads in the chord to
calculate the position and length of the ledger lines
pos_x = self.leftmost_notehead.x
length = self.notehead_column_outside_staff_width
for staff_pos in self.ledger_line_positions:
self.ledgers.append(LedgerLine(Point(pos_x, staff_pos), self, length))
def _create_accidentals(self):
for notehead in self.noteheads:
if notehead.pitch.accidental is None:
accidental = Accidental(
# X value is a placeholder to be resolved
# in _position_accidentals_horizontally
(ZERO, notehead.y),
def _create_dots(self):
"""Create all the RhythmDots needed by this Chordrest."""
for dot_pos in self.rhythm_dot_positions:
self.dots.append(RhythmDot(dot_pos, self))
def _create_stem(self):
"""If needed, create a Stem and store it in ``self.stem``."""
if not self.duration.display.requires_stem:
if self.stem_direction == DirectionY.UP:
attached_notehead = self.lowest_notehead
anchor_key = "stemUpSE"
attached_notehead = self.highest_notehead
anchor_key = "stemDownNW"
resolved_anchor_y = ZERO
# Special case guard needed for invisible noteheads without music chars
if attached_notehead.text:
anchors = attached_notehead.music_chars[0].glyph_info.anchors
if anchors:
resolved_anchor = anchors.get(anchor_key)
if resolved_anchor:
resolved_anchor_y = resolved_anchor.y
self._stem = Stem(
Point(ZERO, attached_notehead.y + resolved_anchor_y),
def _create_flag(self):
"""Create a Flag attached to ``self.stem`` and store it in ``self.flag``"""
if self.duration.display.flag_count:
self._flag = Flag(
(self.stem.pen.thickness / -2, ZERO),
def _position_noteheads_around_stem(self):
"""Reposition noteheads so that they are laid out correctly around the stem.
This should only be run if a stem exists.
# Find the preferred side of the stem for noteheads,
default_side = (
if self.stem_direction == DirectionY.UP
else DirectionX.RIGHT
# Start last staff pos at sentinel infinity position.
# Rather than working with staff positions, we can work with
# ``Notehead.y`` values directly because we know they all share
# ``self`` as a parent.
prev_y = Unit(float("inf"))
# Start prev_side at wrong side so first note goes on the default side
prev_side = default_side.flip()
for note in sorted(
key=lambda n: n.y,
reverse=(self.stem_direction == DirectionY.UP),
if abs(prev_y - note.y) < self.staff.unit(1):
# This note collides with previous, switch sides
prev_side = prev_side.flip()
prev_side = default_side
note.x = self._resolve_notehead_x_pos(note, prev_side)
prev_y = note.y
def _resolve_notehead_x_pos(
self, notehead: Notehead, stem_side: DirectionX
) -> Unit:
if not notehead.text:
return ZERO
anchors = notehead.music_chars[0].glyph_info.anchors
if not anchors:
if stem_side == DirectionX.LEFT:
return -notehead.visual_width
return ZERO
stem_offset = self.stem.pen.thickness / 2
if stem_side == DirectionX.LEFT:
anchor_key = "stemUpSE"
stem_offset *= -1
anchor_key = "stemDownNW"
return -(anchors[anchor_key].x + stem_offset)
def _position_accidentals_horizontally(self):
"""Reposition accidentals so that they are laid out correctly
This implementation is very basic and fails in some fairly common use-cases. A
proper solution would likely involve totally redoing this. See
# Rather than working with staff positions, we can work with
# ``Accidental.y`` values directly because we know they all share
# ``self`` as a parent.
padding = self.staff.music_font.engraving_defaults["staffLineThickness"]
notehead_col_edge_x = self.leftmost_notehead.x
prev_side = None
prev_acc = None
prev_rect = None
for acc in sorted(self.accidentals, key=lambda a: a.y):
acc_rect = acc.bounding_rect
shift_for_collision = False
if (
and prev_side == DirectionX.RIGHT
and (prev_acc.y + prev_rect.y + prev_rect.height > acc.y + acc_rect.y)
# This accidental collides with previous, switch sides
shift_for_collision = True
prev_side = DirectionX.LEFT
prev_side = DirectionX.RIGHT
if shift_for_collision:
acc.x = prev_acc.x - acc.bounding_rect.width
acc.x = notehead_col_edge_x - acc.bounding_rect.width - padding
prev_acc = acc
prev_rect = acc_rect