Source code for neoscore.western.hairpin

from __future__ import annotations

import math
from typing import Optional

from neoscore.core.brush import Brush
from neoscore.core.directions import DirectionX
from neoscore.core.music_font import MusicFont
from neoscore.core.music_path import MusicPath
from neoscore.core.pen import Pen
from neoscore.core.point import Point, PointDef
from neoscore.core.positioned_object import PositionedObject
from neoscore.core.spanner_2d import Spanner2D
from neoscore.core.units import ZERO, Unit

[docs]class Hairpin(Spanner2D, MusicPath): """A crescendo/diminuendo hairpin spanner. While this is a path, it requires a music font from which to derive its appearance. """
[docs] def __init__( self, pos: PointDef, parent: PositionedObject, end_pos: PointDef, end_parent: Optional[PositionedObject] = None, direction: DirectionX = DirectionX.RIGHT, width: Optional[Unit] = None, font: Optional[MusicFont] = None, ): """ Args: pos: The starting point. parent: The parent for the starting position. If no font is given, this or one of its ancestors must implement :obj:`.HasMusicFont`. end_pos: The stopping point. end_parent: The parent for the ending position. If ``None``, defaults to ``self``. direction: The direction of the hairpin, where ``LEFT`` means diminuendo (>) and ``RIGHT`` means crescendo (<). width: The width of the wide hairpin. Defaults to 1 staff unit. font: If provided, this overrides any font found in the ancestor chain. """ MusicPath.__init__(self, pos, parent, font=font, brush=Brush.no_brush()) end_pos = Point.from_def(end_pos) Spanner2D.__init__(self, end_pos, end_parent or self) self.direction = direction self.width = width if width is not None else self.music_font.unit(1) self.pen = Pen(thickness=self.music_font.engraving_defaults["hairpinThickness"]) self._draw_path()
@property def music_font(self) -> MusicFont: return self._music_font @property def direction(self) -> DirectionX: """The direction of the hairpin. ``LEFT`` means diminuendo (>) and ``RIGHT`` means crescendo (<). """ return self._direction @direction.setter def direction(self, value: DirectionX): self._direction = value def _find_hairpin_points( self, ) -> Tuple[ Point, PositionedObject, Point, PositionedObject, Point, PositionedObject ]: """Find the hairpin path points for a set of parameters. The returned tuple is 3 pairs of Points and parents, where the outer 2 represent the wide ends of the hairpin and the middle represents the small end joint. """ if self.direction == DirectionX.LEFT: joint_pos = self.end_pos joint_parent = self.end_parent end_center_pos = self.pos end_center_parent = self.parent else: joint_pos = self.pos joint_parent = self.parent end_center_pos = self.end_pos end_center_parent = self.end_parent dist = self.width / 2 # Find relative distance from joint to end_center_pos parent_distance = joint_parent.map_to(end_center_parent) relative_stop = parent_distance + end_center_pos - joint_pos if relative_stop.y == ZERO: return ( Point(end_center_pos.x, end_center_pos.y + dist), end_center_parent, joint_pos, joint_parent, Point(end_center_pos.x, end_center_pos.y - dist), end_center_parent, ) elif relative_stop.x == ZERO: return ( Point(end_center_pos.x + dist, end_center_pos.y), end_center_parent, joint_pos, joint_parent, Point(end_center_pos.x - dist, end_center_pos.y), end_center_parent, ) # else ... # Find the two points (self.width / 2) away from the end_center_pos # which lie on the line perpendicular to the spanner line. # Note that there is no risk of division by zero because # previous if / elif statements catch those possibilities center_slope = relative_stop.y / relative_stop.x opening_slope = (center_slope * -1) ** -1 opening_y_intercept = (end_center_pos.x * opening_slope) - end_center_pos.y # Find needed x coordinates of outer points # x = dist / sqrt(1 + slope^2) first_x = end_center_pos.x + (dist / math.sqrt(1 + (opening_slope**2))) last_x = end_center_pos.x - (dist / math.sqrt(1 + (opening_slope**2))) # Calculate matching y coordinates from opening line function first_y = (first_x * opening_slope) - opening_y_intercept last_y = (last_x * opening_slope) - opening_y_intercept return ( Point(first_x, first_y), end_center_parent, joint_pos, joint_parent, Point(last_x, last_y), end_center_parent, ) def _draw_path(self): ( first_pos, first_parent, mid_pos, mid_parent, last_pos, last_parent, ) = self._find_hairpin_points() self.move_to(first_pos.x, first_pos.y, first_parent) self.line_to(mid_pos.x, mid_pos.y, mid_parent) self.line_to(last_pos.x, last_pos.y, last_parent)