Source code for neoscore.western.rhythm_dot

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional

from neoscore.core.music_font import MusicFont
from neoscore.core.music_text import MusicText
from neoscore.core.point import PointDef
from neoscore.core.positioned_object import PositionedObject

[docs]class RhythmDot(MusicText): """A single rhythmic augmentation dot used in notes and rests""" _glyph_name = "augmentationDot"
[docs] def __init__( self, pos: PointDef, parent: PositionedObject, font: Optional[MusicFont] = None ): """ Args: pos: Position relative to ``parent`` parent: The parent of the rest. If no font is provided, this parent or one of its ancestors must implement :obj:`.HasStaffUnit`. font: If provided, this overrides any font found in the ancestor chain. """ MusicText.__init__(self, pos, parent, [self._glyph_name], font)