Source code for neoscore.western.staff_group

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional

from sortedcontainers import SortedKeyList  # type: ignore

from neoscore.core import neoscore
from neoscore.core.layout_controllers import NewLine
from neoscore.core.units import ZERO, Unit
from neoscore.western.staff_fringe_layout import StaffFringeLayout

    from neoscore.western.abstract_staff import AbstractStaff

[docs]class StaffGroup: """A collection of staves. This provides a shared context for staff systems, useful in situations like aligning staff fringes. Each staff has a reference to a staff group, even if it's a single-item group. See :obj:``. """ # Fringe padding constants in pseudo-staff-units RIGHT_PADDING = 1 """Padding to the right of all staff fringes, in pseudo-staff-units.""" CLEF_LEFT_PADDING = 0.5 """Padding to the left of clefs in fringes, in pseudo-staff-units.""" TIME_SIG_LEFT_PADDING = 0.5 """Padding to the left of time signatures in fringes, in pseudo-staff-units.""" KEY_SIG_LEFT_PADDING = 0.25 """Padding to the left of key signatures in fringes, in pseudo-staff-units."""
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: self._fringe_layout_cache: Dict[ Tuple[AbstractStaff, Optional[NewLine]], StaffFringeLayout ] = {} # Sort staves according to position to some arbitrary known object self._staves: SortedKeyList[AbstractStaff] = SortedKeyList( key=lambda s: neoscore.document.pages[0].map_to(s).y )
@property def staves(self) -> SortedKeyList[AbstractStaff]: """The staves contained in this group. Staves shouldn't be directly added to this list; instead register a staff with the group when the staff is initialized. This list is automatically sorted in visually descending order. """ return self._staves
[docs] def fringe_layout_at( self, staff: AbstractStaff, location: Optional[NewLine] ) -> StaffFringeLayout: """Compute to fringe layout needed for a staff at a given location. This automatically aligns the returned layout with the fringes of other staves in the group. Layouts are internally cached so this is fairly efficient. """ # If the layout is already cached, return it cached_value = self._fringe_layout_cache.get((staff, location)) if cached_value: return cached_value # If the staff doesn't actually exist at the beginning of a line, # Do its fringe layout in isolation if not self._staff_exists_at(staff, location): layout = staff.fringe_layout_for_isolated_staff(location) self._fringe_layout_cache[(staff, location)] = layout return layout # Work out the layouts of each staff in isolation first isolated_layouts = [] min_staff_basis = ZERO # Wider fringes give a lower number here (further left) for iter_staff in self.staves: if not self._staff_exists_at(iter_staff, location): continue layout = iter_staff.fringe_layout_for_isolated_staff(location) min_staff_basis = min(min_staff_basis, layout.staff) isolated_layouts.append((iter_staff, layout)) # Then align each layout to fit the widest layout found, and store each in cache for iter_staff, isolated_layout in isolated_layouts: aligned_layout = self._align_layout(isolated_layout, min_staff_basis) self._fringe_layout_cache[(iter_staff, location)] = aligned_layout # Now the requested layout is cached, so return it return self._fringe_layout_cache[(staff, location)]
@staticmethod def _staff_exists_at(staff: AbstractStaff, location: Optional[NewLine]) -> bool: """Check if a staff exists at a given location""" if not location: # No good way currently to check without a location return True staff_pos_x = staff.flowable.descendant_pos_x(staff) return (staff_pos_x <= location.flowable_x) and ( staff_pos_x + staff.breakable_length >= location.flowable_x ) @staticmethod def _align_layout( layout: StaffFringeLayout, staff_basis: Unit ) -> StaffFringeLayout: if layout.staff == staff_basis: return layout # Find the delta from the layout's staff basis to the alignment's # Note that these are all *negative* numbers delta = staff_basis - layout.staff return StaffFringeLayout( layout.pos_x_in_staff, # Staff, clef, and key signatures are left-aligned to the widest fringe layout.staff + delta, layout.clef + delta, layout.key_signature + delta, # Time signatures are right-aligned layout.time_signature, )