Source code for neoscore.western.staff_object

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, cast

from neoscore.core.exceptions import NoAncestorStaffError
from neoscore.core.point import Point
from neoscore.core.positioned_object import PositionedObject
from neoscore.core.units import Unit

    from neoscore.western.abstract_staff import AbstractStaff

[docs]class StaffObject: """An object which must always be the descendant of an :obj:`.AbstractStaff`. This is a mixin class for :obj:`.PositionedObject` classes. """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent: PositionedObject): staff = StaffObject._find_staff(cast(PositionedObject, parent)) if not staff: raise NoAncestorStaffError self._staff = staff
@property def staff(self) -> AbstractStaff: """The ancestor staff""" return self._staff @property def pos_in_staff(self) -> Point: """The logical position of this object relative to the staff.""" return self.staff.map_to(cast(PositionedObject, self)) @property def pos_x_in_staff(self) -> Unit: """A specialized version of ``pos_in_staff`` which only finds the x pos""" return self.staff.map_x_to(cast(PositionedObject, self)) @staticmethod def _find_staff(obj: PositionedObject) -> Optional[AbstractStaff]: """Find the first staff which is an ancestor of ``obj`` or ``obj`` itself""" marker = "_neoscore_abstract_staff_type_marker" if hasattr(obj, marker): return cast(Any, obj) return obj.first_ancestor_with_attr(marker)