Source code for neoscore.western.time_signature

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional

from neoscore.core.layout_controllers import NewLine
from neoscore.core.music_font import MusicFont
from neoscore.core.music_text import MusicText
from neoscore.core.point import ORIGIN, Point
from neoscore.core.positioned_object import PositionedObject
from neoscore.core.text_alignment import AlignmentX
from neoscore.core.units import ZERO, Unit
from neoscore.western.abstract_staff import AbstractStaff
from neoscore.western.meter import Meter, MeterDef
from neoscore.western.staff import Staff
from neoscore.western.staff_object import StaffObject

[docs]class TimeSignature(PositionedObject, StaffObject): """A graphical time signature. Note that these time signatures are purely cosmetic; they have no effect on automatic engraving since this module has no internal concept of measures. """ # Type sentinel used to hackily check type # without importing the type, risking cyclic imports. _neoscore_time_signature_type_marker = True
[docs] def __init__( self, pos_x: Unit, staff: Staff, meter: MeterDef, font: Optional[MusicFont] = None, ): """ Args: pos_x: The x position relative to the parent staff staff: The parent staff meter: The meter represented. font: The font used. Defaults to the staff's font. """ StaffObject.__init__(self, staff) PositionedObject.__init__(self, Point(pos_x, ZERO), staff) font = font or staff.music_font self._meter = Meter.from_def(meter) # Add one glyph for each digit self._upper_text = _TimeSignatureText( self.staff, self.x, ORIGIN, self, self.meter.upper_text_glyph_names, font=font, breakable=False, ) self._lower_text = _TimeSignatureText( self.staff, self.x, ORIGIN, self, self.meter.lower_text_glyph_names, font=font, breakable=False, ) self._position_glyphs()
@property def upper_text(self) -> MusicText: """The upper glyph for the time signature""" return self._upper_text @property def lower_text(self) -> MusicText: """The lower glyph for the time signature""" return self._lower_text @property def visual_width(self) -> Unit: """The visual width of the time signature. This is useful for laying out staff objects near time signatures. """ return self._visual_width @property def meter(self) -> Meter: """The meter represented. Setting this will automatically update the time signature's glyphs. """ return self._meter @meter.setter def meter(self, value: MeterDef): self._meter = Meter.from_def(value) self.upper_text.text = self._meter.upper_text_glyph_names self.lower_text.text = self._meter.lower_text_glyph_names self._position_glyphs() def _position_glyphs(self): """This must be called after any modification to the glyph text""" # Vertically position, assuming time sig glyphs are 2 units tall and centered staff_center_y = self.staff.center_y if not self.meter.lower_text_glyph_names: self.upper_text.y = staff_center_y else: self.upper_text.y = staff_center_y - self.staff.unit(1) self.lower_text.y = staff_center_y + self.staff.unit(1) # Horizontally position upper_width = self.upper_text.bounding_rect.width lower_width = self.lower_text.bounding_rect.width if upper_width > lower_width: self._visual_width = upper_width self.lower_text.x += upper_width / 2 self.lower_text.alignment_x = AlignmentX.CENTER elif lower_width > upper_width: self._visual_width = lower_width self.upper_text.x += lower_width / 2 self.upper_text.alignment_x = AlignmentX.CENTER else: # Widths are equal. No adjustment needed. self._visual_width = upper_width
class _TimeSignatureText(MusicText): """A regular MusicText with special rendering behavior in staff fringes. If this text is rendered at the very beginning of a staff, it will shift according to the staff's fringe layout. """ def __init__( self, staff: Optional[AbstractStaff], staff_pos_x: Optional[Unit], *args, **kwargs, ): self.staff = staff self.staff_pos_x = staff_pos_x super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def render_complete( self, pos: Point, flowable_line: Optional[NewLine] = None, flowable_x: Optional[Unit] = None, ): if self.staff_pos_x == ZERO: fringe_layout = self.staff.fringe_layout_at(None) pos = Point(pos.x + fringe_layout.time_signature, pos.y) super().render_complete(pos, flowable_line, flowable_x)