Source code for neoscore.western.multi_staff_object

from typing import List, Union

from neoscore.core.units import Unit
from neoscore.western.abstract_staff import AbstractStaff
from neoscore.western.staff_group import StaffGroup

[docs]class MultiStaffObject: """An object which spans several staves. This is a mixin class for :obj:`.PositionedObject` classes. Such ``PositionedObject``\ s must have their highest staff also be their parent such that ``self.parent == self.highest``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, staves: Union[StaffGroup, List[AbstractStaff]]): """ Args: staves: The staves this is associated with. If a raw list of staves is given, it must be in visually descending order. """ if isinstance(staves, StaffGroup): self._staves = staves.staves else: self._staves = staves
@property def staves(self) -> List[AbstractStaff]: """The staves this is associated with, given in descending order.""" return self._staves @staves.setter def staves(self, value: List[AbstractStaff]): self._staves = value @property def highest(self) -> AbstractStaff: """Shorthand for ``staves[0]``""" return self.staves[0] @property def lowest(self) -> AbstractStaff: """Shorthand for ``staves[-1]``""" return self.staves[-1] @property def vertical_span(self) -> Unit: """The vertical distance covered by the staves. This distance extends from the top line of the top staff to the bottom line of the bottom staff. """ highest = self.staves[0] lowest = self.staves[-1] return highest.unit(highest.map_to(lowest).y + lowest.height) @property def center_y(self) -> Unit: """The vertical center of the staves spanned. This value is relative to the top of the highest staff. """ return self.vertical_span / 2